202-905-8885 [email protected]
DEA Survivors Benefit Fund

On January 26, 2016, Stephen C. Arnold, a Jefferson Paris Louisiana Sheriff’s Office Detective and Drug Enforcement Administration Task Force Officer, along with other member of the DEA New Orleans Office were executing a federal search warrant for cocaine at a residence New Orleans,  During the search, Task Force Officer Arnold was struck by multiple gunshots and rushed to the hospital for treatment. Task Force Officer Arnold fought gallantly for over 5 years under long term neurological care. Task Force Officer Arnold was highly respected and focused law enforcement officer.  One arrestee commented, he was glad Steve was the officer arresting him because he knew he would be treated properly and with respect.  He succumbed to his injuries on May 23, 2021.  During his career, Task Force Officer Arnold received many commendations, letters of appreciation and unit citations.  Task Force officer is survived by his parents, George and Delores Arnold, sisters Hope and Bethany.

The Survivors Benefit Fund is not part of the US Department of Justice (DOJ) or Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) but, instead, is a private 501(c)(3) organization that supports the families of DEA agents, employees, and task force officers who gave their lives in the line-of-duty. Neither the DOJ nor DEA approves, endorses, or authorizes the Survivors Benefit Fund, its materials, or its fundraising efforts.