25th Anniversary
Dear Supporters,
The Drug Enforcement Administration Survivors Benefit Fund (DEASBF) was founded on October 24, 1997. We are proud to be celebrating 25 years of service and the accomplishments that we achieved through our partnership with you! During those years we have been the recipient of your kindness and generosity.
With your help, the DEASBF has grown into an endowment of which we can all be proud. In today’s uncertain world the DEASBF is a necessity that will no doubt be needed for years to come. Law enforcement’s difficult position is resulting in increased numbers of assaults and murders of law enforcement personnel. Your support to the DEASBF allow these affected families to see relief during the most difficult of circumstances. With the most common fear of a surviving family is the uncertainty of providing a college education for surviving children. The DEASBF is able to cover that commitment because of our partnership with you.

Throughout the history of the DEASBF, it has been our mission to operate the fund with the utmost fiscal integrity while planning for the future. As such the DEASBF administrative costs are approximately 5%, far below charities of equal or larger size. The fund also accomplishes the 10 recommendations for an effective and cost-efficient charity. The DEASBF continues to run operations with one contractor and over 200 volunteers across the US. We have no office space or vehicles and the Board of Directors is composed of retired DEA Special Agents who volunteer their time. We hope to continue our partnership for years to come and provide peace of mind for our surviving families.
Thank you for your loyalty and generosity to the families that have given so much!
Richard Crock- Chairman